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The Tremendous Earth is in my hands
Six Trillion Trillion kilograms.
And if you think that's Massive just Measure the sun,
It weighs More than Mother Earth times a third of a Million.
It’s a masterpiece by the Creator
Forty thousand kilometers at the Equator.
In a second light can go that distance very fast
How many times? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and a half.
Continental drift in Southern Asia
Pushed Everest to the top of the Himalayas
Highest mountain on Earth, reaching to the sky
Everest is Near Nine kilometers high.
Tectonic plates spreading since days of yore
Keep the Dead Sea sinking, more and more.
Fully Four hundred meters below sea level
Lowest point on Earth, in Jordan and Israel.
The Tremendous Earth is in my hands,
Six Trillion Trillion kilograms.
And if you think that's Massive just Measure the sun,
It weighs More than Mother Earth times a third of a Million
Cells have cell membranes,
To divide what's in from what's out.
The membrane lets in food and oxygen
While waste and CO2 go out4.
Mitochondria take glucose
And use it to make ATP
The ATP loses a phosphate
Giving the cell energy.
The nucleus is like the cell's brain
Exchanging messages in the form of proteins.
And when it's time for the cell to reproduce itself
The nucleus has all the genes.
The genes are like an instruction book.
DNA gives the cell ways and means
To eat and move, reproduce, and die.
It's all controlled by those genes.
Now mama cells give to their children
Half or even all of their genes.
And if it's half, then the other half comes from the daddy
To make a full set of genes.
HEART! Aorta, arteries, arterioles and capillaries
Capillaries, venules, veins, and the vena cava
Blood goes to the heart and to the lungs
To get O2 and to dump CO2.
Back to the HEART!
Right! Right! Right! Right!
Arteries carry blood away!
Arteries carry blood away!
'Cause "artery" starts with the letter "A"!
'Cause "artery" starts with the letter "A"!
How many chambers in my heart?
Four chambers in your heart!
Count them! One! Two!
Count them! Three! Four!
Pumping the blood around my body
One, two, THREE FOUR!
Your right atrium, your right ventricle,
And then your lungs!
Your left atrium, your left ventricle,
Then all around you!
Old blood goes toward the heart in veins!
Old blood goes toward the heart in veins!
Then to the lungs to get some oxygen!
Then to the lungs to get some oxygen!
Carotid arteries carry blood to the brain!
Carotid arteries carry blood to the brain!
And it comes back down in the jugular veins!
And it comes back down in the jugular veins!
Mouth, pharynx and esophagus
Then food goes to your stomach
To the small intestine
The large intestine
The rectum and out the anus.
The stomach and the small intestine
Digest the food
Passing through to the blood
Nutrients that are good.
The large intestine waits,
To receive the waste,
And it stores it until I defecate.
Neurons are my nerve cells.
Axons are my nerve fibers.
Axons carry signals from neuron to neuron.
Sometimes a motor neuron tells
A muscle that it's time to contract.
That is how my brain and spinal cord
Control my body.
Sensations like
Smell, taste and sight
Reach my brain through the cranial nerves.
But to and from my head the signals go
In my spinal cord.
Twelve pairs of cranial nerves
One's Olfactory.
Two is the Optic nerve, and
Three: Oculomotor
Four is the Trochlear nerve and
Five: Trigeminal.
Six is the Abducens, and
Seven: Facial.
Eight: Vestibulocochlear, and
Nine: Glossopharyngeal.
Ten is the Vagus
Eleven: Accessory and
Twelve: Hypoglossal
Twelve pairs of cranial nerves
Link my brain to the rest of my head
For functions like chewing and hearing
Seeing and swallowing.
Have two hemispheres, called my cerebrum --
White inside, gray outside of my cerebrum.
Gray matter's also called the cerebral cortex
That's where I do my thinking!
Cerebral cortex, that's where I do my thinking!
My cerebellum sits by my brainstem.
My cerebellum sits by my brainstem.
When I went to school, I could never remember that e = 2.7182818.
You all know the rest, ‘cause you know this song.
It’s easy! Just follow the notes with me. Do re me is 1, 2, 3.
And to remember 1.4142135, you know, the square root of two?
Just use your…
My right hemisphere is right holistic.
And my left is left for mathematics.
Corpus callosum spans the two
And my limbic system helps control my emotions
Aaaaargh! My limbic system helps control my emotions!
And basal ganglia give good posture.
Yeah, basal ganglia give good posture.
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital lobes
Oh, my Frontal lobe
Has my Funny personality.
It moves my body where I want it to be.
Oh, my frontal lobe
By my Forehead near the front of my head.
Oh, my Parietal lobe,
Feels Pain and touch and tickling
And hot and cold and in-between.
Oh, my parietal lobe
Where a Pirate holds the top of his head.
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital lobes
Oh, my Temporal lobe,
Attempts to understand the words that I hear,
Helps me speak to people far and near
Oh, my temporal lobe,
Sitting in my head right by my ear
Oh, my Occipital lobe,
Lets me see an Ox, and he sees me
'Cause together, we both see
In our occipital lobes,
Like an Ox in a box at the back of the brain.
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital
Frontal, Parietal, Temporal, Occipital lobes
The kidneys take out toxins and water from the blood.
This mixture is what we call urine.
The urine leaves the kidneys through the ureters
Which are two tubes that lead to the bladder.
And when it's time to pee go to the lavatory
And don't forget to shut the door!
'Cause when you've got to go
Your bladder lets you know
It'll let the urine flow out through the urethra.
The spleen is an organ
Which starts every mornin’
Taking out old red blood cells from
The circulation.
It works in the daytime
And also at night
Taking out old red blood cells,
Day and night,
Old erythrocytes
Are grabbed by the spleen
And then disintegrated.
While in the marrow
Of bones long and narrow,
New blood cells are made for
Today and tomorrow.
I’ve four incisors in the middle of the top row.
Four on the bottom, sharp as Papa’s knives.
They are all flanked by my pointy canines.
Four little daggers that help me dine.
Next to my canines are my premolars.
They’re called bicuspids, ‘cause they’ve got two roots.
In back of my mouth, my broad flat molars...
They’re rough and tough, yeah, like Papa’s boots.
Thirty two teeth... cutting, tearing, grinding.
I’m proud of them, my pearly whites.
My Papa told me to take good care of them
And keep them twinkling into the night.
Phalanges, carpals, metacarpals, clap your hands!
Phalanges, carpals, metacarpals, clap your hands!
Phalanges, carpals, metacarpals in your fingers, wrist, and palms
Phalanges, carpals, metacarpals, clap your hands!
Phalanges, tarsals, metatarsals, stomp your feet!
Phalanges tarsals, metatarsals, stomp your feet!
Phalanges, tarsals, metatarsals in your toes, heels and soles
Phalanges, tarsals, metatarsals, stomp your feet!
The maxilla and the mandible say, "Hello!"
The maxilla and the mandible say, "Hello!"
The maxilla is above and the mandible below.
The maxilla and the mandible say, "Hello!"
Seven cervical vertebrae are in your neck
Seven cervical vertebrae are in your neck.
Seven cervical vertebrae, there is one for every day
Seven cervical vertebrae are in your neck.
Coccyx , ilium and sacrum in your hips!
Coccyx, ilium and sacrum in your hips!
Coccyx, ilium and sacrum, let me see you shake 'em
Coccyx, ilium and sacrum in your hips.
Three types of bones are in my hand.
The fingers are the phalanges.
The wrist has marbles, called the carpals
Metacarpals in-between.
Two long bones are in my forearm
The radius above the thumb
The ulna is so long and dinky
Ulna sits atop my pinky.
Above my elbow is the funny bone.
It's also called the humerus.
In fact it is quite humorous
That I do not know why that is.
My shoulder blade’s the scapula.
Each one looks like a spatula.
Below my neck it's magical
Those magic bones are clavicles.
My chest bone's made of three bones
And later on I'll learn 'em.
The most important one of all's
The middle one -- the sternum.
My ribs branch off the sternum
And then go off to play.
They run around behind my back
And meet my vertebrae.
At the bottom of the spine we make room
For the fused bone called the sacrum.
We all have tails, just like foxes
But our tail is the coccyx.
When a lemur cooks his vegetables
He puts them in a steamer.
When I want to touch my top leg bone
I reach down for my femur.
The Prince got down on one knee
To propose to Cinderella.
He put his weight on his knee-cap.
His knee-cap's the patella.
Cinderella's daughters
Play soccer down in Libya.
They sometimes bruise their shinbones.
The shinbone is the tibia.
If you fib you lie to Mama
If you fib you lie to Papa
My fibula's below my knee
By the tibia it stands you see.
The postman brings me parcels.
His heel bones are his tarsals.
His metatarsals (if you please)
Reach his toes the phalanges!
What about the three little bones in our ears?
Oh, I have a song about that…
Oh, the eardrum hits the malleus
And the malleus hits the incus
And the incus hits the stapes:
Boom Boom Boom!
When my diaphragm goes down
The air goes into my nose and mouth.
...Then where is it found?
First in the Pharynx that Leads to the Larynx,
The voice box that lets me talk to my parents.
Then the trachea takes air to the lungs.
Each lung is like an air-filled sponge.
The sponge has bumps that you and I
Will learn to call alveoli.
Oxygen leaves alveoli
And into what they're surrounded by...
Capillaries, capillaries, carrying blood
And that's how oxygen gets to the blood.
Living cells burn fuel
A fire does the same
This process mixes
Fuel and oxygen,
Energy from chemical bonds
Plus water and carbon dioxide!
This is called “metabolism”
In living cells,
“Combustion” by a fire.
Green plants use photosynthesis
To take carbon dioxide
And react it with water
This is powered by sunlight.
This reaction makes sugar
Which the plant will need
And also oxygen
Which plants and animals breathe.
Sunlight lets this process begin
Where the inputs and outputs of metabolism
Are the outputs and inputs of photosynthesis
This is the cycle of life, and now I know what it is.
Condensation takes water
Vapor from humid air.
Droplets form on a cool surface,
Raising its temperature.
Evaporation cools me off,
Whenever I perspire.
The molecules all shake and move, ...till
POP! goes the molecule.
Water will evaporate,
Cooling what it leaves.
The molecules all shake and move, ...till
POP! goes the molecule.
The wind blows by, the atoms vibrate,
Till one has enough energy...
The molecules all shake and move, ...till
POP! goes the molecule.
Water will evaporate,
Cooling what it leaves.
The molecules all shake and move, ...till
POP! goes the molecule.
When two Up-the-Quark brothers come to town,
They look for their cousin Down-the-Quark all around!
When they find him he's smilin' ear to ear
They all shake hands and disappear
Leaving just a Pretty Proton
From two Ups and a Down.
The subatomic particles are made of smaller parts
And if you listen to this song, you’ll know them off by heart
These building blocks are called the quarks, they’re in the nucleus bound
And a proton’s made of two Ups and a Down.
Six Quarks are Up, Down, Charm and Strange,
Top and Bottom!
Six Quarks are Up, Down, Charm and Strange,
Top and Bottom!
With a "Quark Quark" here,
And a "Quark Quark" there,
Here a "Quark," there a "Quark,"
Everywhere a "Quark"
Six Quarks are Up, Down, Charm and Strange,
Top and Bottom!
Mix in a cup, a Down Down Up
Make a New thing called a Neutron.
Mix in a cup, a Down Down Up
Make a New thing called a Neutron.
With a "Neu- Neu-" here
And a "Neu- Neu-" there
Here a Neu- there a -tron
Everywhere a Neutron!
A negative electron spins
It spins around the nucleus
The nucleus has protons and neutrons
An atom's center is the nucleus.
A Proton has a Positive charge
And an atomic weight of one
When I want the atomic number
I count all the protons.
A neutron has a neutral charge
That means it doesn't have a charge
A neutron weighs as much as a proton
Its atomic weight is one.
Red, orange, yellow, green
Yellow green!
Red, orange, yellow, green
Yellow green!
Blue, indigo and violet can be seen
Red, orange, yellow, green
Yellow green!
Infrared is very hot
Very hot!
Should I touch it?
You should not!
You should not!
Can I see infra red?
You cannot!
Infrared is very hot
Very hot!
Ultraviolet burns my skin
Burns my skin!
It breaks down my collagen
So, I make more melanin.
Ultraviolet burns my skin
Burns my skin!
Microwaves help me cook my meat.
Microwaves are as big as a baby’s feet.
While I eat the food, I hear FM radio.
The FM radio waves go from the ceiling to your toe!
I burned my toe on infrared coming from the heater.
Infrared waves are a hundredth of a millimeter.
The doctor saw my toe; it was red-orange-yellow-and-green.
These colors are about half of a micron and all of them can be seen!
Oh, a fire needs heat and fuel.
Heat, fuel, and oxygen.
Heat, fuel, and oxygen.
Heat, fuel, and oxygen.
Oh, a fire needs heat and fuel.
Heat, fuel, and oxygen,
In order to survive.
Oh, the fuel burns in the oxygen,
Making carbon dioxide;
Making steam and lots of heat;
Making flames that are really neat!
Oh, the fuel burns in the oxygen,
Making carbon dioxide;
Making flame and steam and heat.
Oh, if you take away the fire's heat,
Or fuel or oxygen
Or fuel or oxygen
Or fuel or oxygen
Oh, if you take away the fire's heat,
Or fuel or oxygen,
It won't burn anymore.
So don’t you take away that fire’s heat
Or fuel or oxygen
Or fuel or oxygen
Or fuel or oxygen
So don’t you take away that fire’s heat
Or fuel or oxygen
Or it won’t burn anymore.
The fastest planet is Mercury.
The brightest one is Venus.
We live on Earth.
The red planet is Mars.
The biggest one is Jupiter,
which has rings just like Saturn.
There are rings around Uranus
and Neptune.
Smaller than these is Pluto
About the size of our moon.
In fact it doesn’t even
Belong in this tune.
The Sun makes heat by fusion
Turning hydrogen to helium.
Fusion powers all the stars
Turning hydrogen to helium.
The Sun sends light and it takes eight minutes
For the Earth to feel the rays
It's a long, long journey, if you’re going
A hundred fifty million kilometers away.
The Sun makes heat by fusion
Turning hydrogen to helium.
Fusion powers all the stars
Turning hydrogen to helium.
The planets spin around it, says Copernicus
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Spinning around our star.
The Sun makes heat by fusion
Turning hydrogen to helium.
Fusion powers all the stars
Turning hydrogen to helium.
The Sun’s nearest sister is Alpha Centauri
She’s our neighboring star.
Alpha Centauri’s four light years far
Away from the Sun.
The Sun makes heat by fusion
Turning hydrogen to helium.
Fusion powers all the stars
Turning hydrogen to helium.
Oh, I wish I could walk on the moon
Four hundred thousand kilometers away
Far away! Far away!
On the moon.
I'd run and jump while on the moon
'Cause I would weigh a sixth of what I weigh today
Far away! Far away!
On the moon.
The footprints of twelve astronauts are on the moon.
The first one's name was Neil Armstrong
Who walked in nineteen sixty nine
On the twentieth of July, of 1969
On the twentieth of July, of 1969!
Two hundred million years ago
Dinosaurs started to walk around.
Then sixty five million years ago
They all fall down!
Triassic, Jurassic, then the Cretaceous
Then the dinosaurs all fall down!
Two hundred million years ago
Dinosaurs started to jump around.
Then sixty five million years ago
They all fall down!
Mesozoic Era, Mesozoic Era
Then the dinosaurs all fall down!
Russia , Norway, and Finland
Estonia, and Latvia.
Belarus and the Ukraine
Moldova, Moldova!
Black Sea, Georgia
Armenia, Armenia
Azerbaijan, Caspian Sea
All the countries bordering Russia and of the former Soviet Union
Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan
Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan!
Beyond this is Tajikistan
Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan
China and Mongolia
China, North Korea
South Korea, South Korea
Woke up this morning, feeling dazed and confused
What’s in Southeast Asia, it’s always in the news
Opened up my atlas, and now I’ve got the Southeast Asia Blues
Starting in Myanmar
And travelling east to Thailand
Then on to Laos
Campuchea, Vietnam
Across the sea to Malaysia
And to little Brunei
Indonesian Islands
And then the Philippines
East Timor then Oceania:
Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand
And way up north to Japan
Join me in singing the countries of South Asia
Now we are singing the countries of South Asia
Afghanistan, Pakistan and India
Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh
And the Maldives and Sri Lanka
Forty countries on the outside
Of Africa
Egypt and Libya
Tunisia and Algeria.
Then comes Morocco
Canary Islands
Western Sahara, Mauritania
And the Cape Verde Islands.
Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea-Bissau
Guinea, Sierra Leone
Then Liberia and Ivory Coast
Ghana, Togo and Benin.
Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea
Isles of San Tome and Principe
Gabon, Congo
Cabinda, D.R. Congo
Angola, Namibia
South Africa, Mozambique
And then four islands:
Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros and Seychelles.
Tanzania and Kenya,
Djibouti and Eritrea
Sudan that's Africa!
Inside of Africa, Burkina Faso
Mali, Niger, Chad
Central African Republic
And Uganda.
Rwanda, Burundi, Zambia
Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana
Lesotho, Swaziland
That's Africa.
Clockwise round Israel, all around Israel:
Egypt, the sea Lebanon
Syria and Jordan
Around Saudi Arabia:
Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar
UAE , Oman, Yemen
And above Iraq are Turkey and Iran
Portugal and Spain
France and Andorra
Monaco, Italy
And the island of Malta
San Marino, Vatican City
Slovenia, Croatia
Bosnia, Herzegovina
Montenegro and Serbia
Albania, Macedonia
Bulgaria and Greece
Leaving Turkey and Cyprus
Southern Europe wishing you peace!
Estonia and Latvia
Then comes Lithuania
Poland and Slovakia
And then the Czech Republic
Hungary, Slovenia
Romania, Bulgaria
Leaving us Albania
All in Eastern Europe
Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein and Switzerland
Monaco, France and Luxembourg, Belgium and Netherlands
To the west, across the water, in the sea stand two islands
The larger one is the UK and the smaller Ireland
Reykjavic, Iceland
Oslo is in Norway
Stockholm is in Sweden
Helsinki in Finland
North of Germany is Denmark
With Copenhagen
And not forgetting Kalaallit Nunaat Island – Greenland
North of Germany is Denmark
With Copenhagen
Northern Europe countries
They are all Scandinavian
Colombia , Bogota
Venezuela, Caracas
Guyana, Georgetown!
Surinam, Paramaribo
French Guyana, Cayenne
Brazil, Brasilia.
Uruguay, Montevideo,
Argentina, Buenos Aires
Chile, Santiago
Peru, Lima
Ecuador, Quito!
Southwest of Brazil,
Is Bolivia, La Paz and Sucre,
Also there's Paraguay, Asuncion,
Thirteen countries and capitals
Of South America!
Central America used to connect North and South America
But the Panama Canal comes in between - it opened in 1914.
Panama and Costa Rica
Nicaragua and Honduras
El Salvador and Guatemala
Belize and Mexico
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
This part is Schiller’s "Ode to Joy."
In 1770 Beethoven was a baby boy.
Fifty seven years went by
It was time for him to die.
Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony
This part is Schiller’s "Ode to Joy."